About Quakers
Without the formal structure of liturgy, Quakers regard their faith as a spiritual journey based on our experience of God and informed by that of Quakers since the founding of the Society of Friends. Quakers meet for worship and other activities in local and area meetings. These are inclusive and open to all. In our meetings we hope to find acceptance, support, challenge, and a sense of belonging. Our sense of community does not come from professing identical beliefs, but from worshiping, sharing and working together.
Working for a better world
Our religious experience leads us to place a special value on truth, equality, simplicity and peace. These testimonies, as they are known, are lived rather than written. They lead Quakers to translate our faith into action by working locally and globally for social justice, peace making and care for the environment.
Learn more about Quaker meetings for worship.
Find out more about our testimonies (external site)
Find out more about our Quaker Peace and Social Witness work (external site)
Other Quaker links