Our Faith in Action
Quakers think that actions speak louder than words. That means that we try to translate our values, frequently called testimonies, into the way we live our lives. We call this process faith in action. How Quakers do this varies depending on their abilities, strengths and interests.
It might be something quite small like signing a petition, giving to charity or writing to an MP. Or it might be something more personally demanding like joining a protest or engaging in non-violent direct action. Sometimes we act as individuals, sometimes as part of our local meeting, and sometimes nationally as part of Quakers in Britain.
At Blackheath we, like many others, are extremely concerned about climate change. During 2020 and 2021, we have arranged meetings to discuss Cop26 and what we as individuals can do about climate change. Blackheath Quakers have taken part in demonstrations to show the government the level of concern and call for action.
In autumn 2019 we organised a joint public meeting with local politicians and eco groups. The meeting, called Yes We Can, was fully booked and attended by a diverse range of individuals and groups from our local community. Many of our members continue to be actively involved in the climate change movement.

We have joined with protests against the international arms fair held every two years at the Excel Centre in London, along with other faith groups and Quaker meetings from around the country.

At Blackheath we are a Sanctuary Meeting, which means we have pledged to help create a culture of welcome for refugees and asylum seekers fleeing from war and persecution. We have supported our local refugee charities for many years and have helped to provide English language classes run at a neighbouring church.